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WaterDiss2.0 - Summer School 2013: Increasing Sustainability in River Basin Planning and Management: Concepts and Tools for River Restoration - San Servolo Island, Venice, 5th – 11th August 2013

The WATERDISS 2.0 Summer School on INCREASING SUSTAINABILITY IN RIVER BASIN PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT: CONCEPTS AND TOOLS FOR RIVER RESTORATION is organized with the aim to provide an opportunity of an intensive working together of talented young researchers, PhD students or freelancers from all over Europe with some of the leading academics, researchers and practitioners in the field.


The implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and its daughter directives, as well as the Floods Directive, is not a “Business-as-usual approach” and constitutes an exceptional challenge for water managers and governments across Europe. Assessments of the current status of implementation have shown that less than 40% of water bodies will meet the Good Ecological Status in 2015. Meeting these objectives in the long run will require additional knowledge and know-how in terms of designing measures and management approaches. This knowledge is to a large extent generated by EU-funded research, but insufficiently applied to address the challenges occurring in the context of WFD implementation. The goal of the WaterDiss2.0 project is to find solutions for better water management within the research available and speed-up its transfer and diffusion to knowledge users. Under the banner of the Science-Policy Interface (SPI), the WaterDiss2.0 project supports dissemination and innovation processes and help key actors to more quickly improve processes and methodologies in water management.


The Summer School is intended to:

§      disseminate the latest and more relevant results coming out from EU funded research on river restoration and more in general on sustainable and integrated river basin planning and management;

§      help participants in defining relevant research topics in the field of the implementation of the Water Framework, Floods and related EU directives;

§      provide a forum for talented young researchers and freelancers from all over Europe for exchanging ideas and establishing a research and professional network.


The Summer School programme is based on the participation of the project partners of some of the most relevant EU funded research projects dealing with the above mentioned topics: SCENES, REFRESH, OPENNES, PRO_floodplain, MODELKEY, AQUATERRA, WISER, IMPACT, REFORM. After each session there will be the time (at least 1 hour) for direct and free interaction/discussion between students and speakers on the issues presented. There will also be a number of exercises to assist the students in developing a proposal for a research project, incorporating the design of the dissemination and take-up stages and the budgeting for those operations.

A field trip to the Drava river restoration programme is foreseen.


More information in attached files



WATERDISS 2_0 Summer School 2013 CALL.pdf338.55 KB
WATERDISS 2_0 Summer School 2013 APPLICATION.doc134 KB