WaterDiss2.0 and AQUAREHAB: The challenges of integrating impact of remediation technologies into water management
Wednesday, 26.09.2012, afternoon session
Special Session at the First European Symposium on Remediation Technologies and their Integration in Water Management, at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans,
September25-26, 2012 in Barcelona, Spain
Which innovative remediation tools would help to support decisions in water management?
Which problems are demanding more efficient solutions in groundwater management?
How is groundwater quality management integrated into river basin management nowadays?
Which bottle necks do the water managers experience?
Are the remediation tools you are applying aligned with the 21st century challenges?
Water and environmental agencies and technology providers share a common interest in applying the best technologies to remediate water degraded areas. This session aims at matching the needs of the policy makers and practitioners with the new solutions provided by research projects in order to meet the objectives set out in the Water Framework Directive and related directives.
The seminar is organised within the framework of the WaterDiss2.0 FP7 and AQUAREHABFP7 projects by experts from Amphos 21, a scientific and strategic environmental consultancy.
The WaterDiss2.0 projectis part of the SPI-Water Cluster, which consists of three EC FP7 projects dealing with science-policy interfacing in water management: STREAM, WaterDiss2.0 and STEP-WISE. These projects are working to support the transfer of water research results to intended users, linking science, policy and practice.
(choosing WaterDiss2.0 and AQUAREHAB session)
Registration closes Monday, September 10th, 2012
For questions on this session, please contact: beatriz.medina@amphos21.com
More information on the Symposium HERE
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