STREAM is a FP7 project (grant agreement 265309) which started on the 1st January 2011 and will run two years until the 31st December 2012.

STREAM intends to tackle the issue water research awareness gap by bringing water technologies to the interest of those that seek implementation. The main objectives are:
- To review the main research and technology development on water management, focusing on the results of projects under the FP6 and FP7 programmes, but also of other European programmes;
- To disseminate the state of the art on researches and technological developments on water management targeting information to the main stakeholders.
A diversified series of dissemination and communication actions will be tailored to different stakeholders: policy makers, researchers, SMEs, industries and consumers.
These actions include:
- A web site ( to serve as a repository for all activities;
- Three Policy Seminars to be held in 3 different countries and streamed online;
- Final Symposium at the European Parliament in Brussels;
- 2 Summer Schools;
- e-Learning courses, organised in 4 modules;
- Audiovisual materials including: videos, interviews, webinars for research events;
- Participation in sectorial events.
The STREAM consortium consists of partners with specific and complementary expertise and networks including specialists in water technology, in science communication, in knowledge transfer and in innovative dissemination activities.
STREAM partners are: Minerva Consulting & Communication, European Water Partnership, Europe for Business and Menon Network.
For more info please visit the web site