What is E-HYPE model?
E-HYPE is a pan European application of the Hydrological model, HYPE.
EHYPE is devided into 35000 subbasins with an average size of about 200 square kilometers.
E-HYPE can be used to deliver most hydrological and nutrient variables.
On-going applications
E-HYPE is already set up as an operational model at SMHI, producing real-time hydrological data for all of Europe, as well as forecasts of up to 10 days. The results can be used to look at flood and drought frequency or intensity and E-HYPE can also deliver these results for future climate impacts.
E-Hype can be used for local assessments and an interactive webuser tool for this purpose has been developed within EU FP7 SUDPLAN. The user can evaluate the hydrological consequences of different local land use and urbanization, for present and future climatic conditions.
E-HypeWeb is a webtool for free downloading of modeled discharge data. It is planned to add nutrients, forecasts and climate projections to this tool as well.
Foremost, the system is very flexible and can easily be used by many water sectors, for many regions and at many time-scales.
The outputs from E-HYPE can easily be tailored in cooperation with the individual needs of the users.
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