The webinar provided insights into the promising research outcomes of two European research projects – FP6 Riskbase and FP6 Wade. They dealt with new approaches to groundwater management and innovative responses to the challenges of climate change and related extreme weather events. During a fishbowl discussion, the participants discussed with the panellists Jos Brils (FP6 RiskBase, Deltares) and Christoph Külls (FP6 Wade, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg) about the upcoming challenges and possible solutions in groundwater management.
The webinar took place on Wednesday, 18 December 2013 from 15:00 to 16:00 Central European Standard Time (CET).
You can find the videos predenting the two projects here:
- Introduction to the RISKBASE Risk-informed management of European river basins
- Introduction to the integrated approach to water management in arid regions under climate change as developed by WADE
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